Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Superfood Spotlight:Chia Seeds

Website recommendation is a wealth of info. They wrote up a article on one of my favorite Superfoods Chia Seeds. Enjoy

"Hello, my name is: chia seeds
So, tell us about yourself: You may have first encountered these tiny seeds in the 90′s as part of a novel trend in home decorating (Chia Pet, anyone?), but we assure you that chia seeds are no joke! This deceivingly small seed packs a major punch of nutrition and makes a versatile addition to both food and drinks.  Once the fuel behind the mythic athletic endurance of Aztec warriors, chia seeds have once again become a popular fuel of choice on the health scene.

What do you bring to the plate? One of chia seeds’ most unique qualities is their ability to turn into an almost solid gel form when soaked in water. Although a little foreign-looking at first, most people learn to embrace the seed’s gel-forming qualities for all of it’s health benefits! Chia gel slows the digestion of carbs – a true benefit for both diabetics and athletes looking for sustained energy. With it’s ability to slurp up this much water, chia seeds also help the body to maintain hydrated state for hours on end. As if that wasn’t enough these tiny seeds are also the highest plant source of Omega 3s, rich in calcium and an easily digested protein source!
Let’s Get Together: Now that you know just how amazing chia seeds are, your probably ready to pour them right down the gullet. But we have a few better suggestions on how to get them into your system. One, this amazing chia pudding video that provides a quick and easy to make recipe. And two, the basic recipe for chia gel that can be easily added to smoothies and baked goods!
Here’s an awesome recipe for what we’re calling Chia gel…it may not sound appetizing but those fruit juices infused with Chia seeds are flying off the shelves at markets all over the place—now you can make your own and for waaay less moolah!

Chia Gel 

1 to 2 Tablespoons of chia seeds
1 cup of  water (or fruit juice – experiment!)
In a bowl, add seeds to liquid and whisk with fork.
Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes, then whisk the gel again to make sure the seeds
don’t clump together in the bottom of your bowl.  Leave to stand for 15 minutes
as the seeds absorb the liquid.  This mixture can be refrigerated overnight or used immediately. Play with the seed to water ratio to get the consistency you prefer. "

40 Ways to use Chia Seeds

How to use chia seeds.
Wondering how to use chia seeds?  Chia seeds are very easy to incorporate into your diet. Below is a list of ways I have used them in my recipes. I would love to hear of your unique ways of using chia seeds.
1. Mix 1 dessertspoon of chia seeds with a quarter cup of water to make an egg substitute for baking cakes and cookies.
2. Add chia seeds to apple juice to make “sago”.
3. Grind seeds and add to hot milk to make a “porridge”
 4. Mix seeds through yogurt.
5. Add seeds to soup to thicken.
6. Grind seeds and mix with flour, milk and eggs to make pancakes.
7. Add seeds to salad dressings.
8. Eat Chia seeds whole and raw as a snack.
9. Add whole seeds to diluted fruit juice to make  Chia Fresca.
10. Make Chia Pudding by adding whole seeds to milk, nut milk or soy milk.
11. Blend chia seeds into smoothies.
12. Make a “lassie” by blending chia seeds, yogurt and fruit juice.
13. Add chia seeds to beaten eggs, soak for 10 minutes and make an omelette.
14. Mix with worcestershire or bbq sauce and brush over barbequed meats.
 15. Add ground chia seeds to flour when making bread.
16.  Make chia pan bread by combining chia seeds, eggs, milk, flour and baking powder. Cook in a heavy based pan with a lid on.
17. Add whole chia seeds to a cake batter to make a heavy poppy seed like cake.
18. Add seeds to stews to thicken.
19. Throw some seeds into a stir fry.
20. Make a thin batter of ground chia seeds and milk and cook in a slow oven to make crackers.
21. Sprinkle seeds over a salad.
22. Pureed fruit, chia seeds and a little fruit juice is a good topping for ice cream.
23. Stir whole seeds through cooked lentils.
24. Soak seeds in beaten eggs and use this mix to make a frittata.
25. Cook brown rice in vegetable stock and stir chia seeds through when rice is cooked.
26. Top a cheesecake with chia seeds soaked in fruit juice to make a gel toppingl.
27. Add whole or ground seeds to cookie mixes.
28. Mix ground seeds with ground beef to make meatballs.
29. Cook brown rice in apple juice, add grated apple and stir whole chia seeds through the mixture for a tasty dessert.
30. Toasted ground chia seeds mixed with honey and cinnamon makes a wonderful base for cheesecake.
31. Add whole seeds to granola.
32. Mix white chia seeds that have been soaked in milk through mashed potatoes.
33. Sprout the seeds and use in salads.
34. Mix ground seeds with butter or peanut butter for a nutritious spread.
35. Cinnamon, ground chia and butter is great on hot scones.
36. Add a desert spoon of black seeds to a green jelly mix for “frogs egg jelly”.
37. Spread a mixture of honey, cinnamon, dried fruit and ground chia on to filo or puff pastry sheets, roll up and cook in a hot oven.
 38. Mix the seeds, whole or ground through Nutella.
39. Add ground seeds soaked in an egg to bind a hamburger mix.
40. Soak chia seeds in milk and mix through hot oatmeal.

-Voni Blue

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