Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mason Jar Juices (pre-juiced)

Juiced 7 - 32 oz containers of juice... Yes u can prejuice... Put it In a mason jar for up to 72hours.. Im to busy to juice daily.. This works perfectly for me. Luv yall be encouraged always
1. Watermelon Ade= Watermelon and 1 lemon. ;)
2. Spinach, parsnip, lemon, parsley, cilantro, cucumber, celery, apples
3. Sweet potato, oranges, pear, apple, ginger
4. Bunch of grapes, 1 tomato, 4 carrots, some pineapple
5. Carrots, Sweet Potato, Oranges

Mason Jar Tea

1 cup of herbs to 1 quart...boil the water...pour it over the herbs...seal...and steep over night!!!

Rainbow of Juices

1)Hibiscus Herbal Infusion (Its a cup of herbs "hibiscus" was the choice i used this time.. You put hot boiling water over top of it and let it sit over night in a 32 oz mason jar.. its basically a high saturated tea.. ;) it helps with cravings, appetite suppressant etc.. while fasting..)

2) 1 Pineapple, 3 Oranges, Knob of Ginger 
3) Beet, lemon, Bunch of carrots, 1 apple, knob of ginger 
4) Dandelions, parsley, cilantro, cucumber, 1 apple, lemon, knob of ginger


Mason Jar Salads

What you need:
- 6 large mouth mason jars
- Your favorite salad toppings (see suggestions below)
- Broccoli Sprouts (to add nutrition and separate the lettuce)
- Salad dressing(s)
- Lemon or Lime juice

1. Start by adding salad toppings to the bottom of the jar.
2. Spread a thin layer of sprouts to separate lettuce and any wet ingredients
3. Stuff as much lettuce as possible to the top of the jar (storing the lettuce in a mason jar will keep it super fresh!)
4. You could add the salad dressing at the bottom of the jar but I leave it sepa.rate until I'm ready to eat.

Salads will stay good for up to five days.

You can alter any of these to match your needs but here are some great combinations:
- Strawberry, feta or goat cheese, and pecans with spinach. Dressing: Blackberry
- Cobb - egg, cherry tomato, onion, avocado (be sure to squeeze lemon or lime juice on avocados to keep fresh), cheese, with romaine lettuce
- Green peas, corn, black beans, onion, tomato, avocado, cilantro, and fresh lime with romaine lettuce
- Diced apple (be sure to squeeze lemon juice on apples and pears to keep them from browning), cranberries, almonds, with spinach. Dressing: A vinaigrette
- Broccoli, onion, sunflower seeds, and raisins with mixed greens. Dressing: Creamy dressing
- Garbanzo beans, cucumber, tomato, feta, with mixed greens. Dressing: A vinaigrette
- Quinoa, onion, pepperoncini, olives, tomato, and feta, with spinach. Dressing: Greek.
- BLT - bacon, lettuce, tomato (or bean, lettuce tomato)
- Beet, goat cheese, pecans, with spinach. Dressing: Balsamic vinaigrette
- Walnut, diced apple, grapes, chicken, with spinach

Too Busy to Make Breakfast

Too Busy To Make Breakfast:

No mothers day sleep in for me, I need to be some where early tomorrow.
So to make sure I get my green smoothie. I wash all my greens and fruit that I want in my smoothie the night before. Put it in a large mason jar and keep in the fridge. In the morning just throw it in the blender with 1 cup of water and blend then pour it back in the mason jar, grab a straw and take it to go.

In this jar I have 4 leaves of kale, ginger, grapes, coriander, parsley and silver beet.

~from Addicted to Raw

Mason Jar as a Blender Jar