Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Dr. Schulze’s 10 Commandments Based on Dr. Schulze’s Book, “20 Powerful Steps to a Healthier Life”

  1. I DRINK Liquids that Hydrate, Flush and Nourish Me
    I Drink Pure Water, Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Juices and Herbal Teas!
  2. I EAT Food that Creates Powerful Health
    Vegetarian, Whole, Nutritious and Organic
  3. I Use Natural Herbal and Food MEDICINE
    To Prevent Dis-ease and Nourish, Clean, Detoxify, Tone, Balance and Heal My Body!
  4. I MOVE My Body Every Day
    Walking, Dancing, Running, Jumping, Stretching, Breathing, Sweating, Sex… Always Fun!
  5. I Take a Week Off Every Season to CLEANSE Myself Internally
    Juice-Flushing or Dr. Schulze’s Purifying Food Program and Herbal Detox Programs!
  6. I Use Only Natural HEALING to Prevent and Treat Dis-ease
    Massage, Bodywork, Hydrotherapy and All Therapies that HEAL and Do No Harm!
  7. I Create a Healthy HOME Environment for My Well-Being
    Natural Soaps, Cleaners and Clothing, No Negative Television, Frequently Trashing!
  8. I Have Positive THOUGHTS that Create Powerful Health
    Positive Thoughts and Affirmations that Create Love, Laughter, Passion, Peace, Fun and Bliss!
  9. I COMMUNICATE to Others as I Like to Be Treated
    I Communicate Being Happy, Friendly, Positive, Clear, Honest, Sincere, Caring and Loving!
  10. I LOVE Myself and My Life More and More Every Day
    Practice Being Self-accepting, Self-ish, Self-centered, Self-involved, Loving YOU!
    Appreciate All That You Have and Focus On All That You Want To Create.
    Your FOCUS Determines Your FUTURE! Tomorrow Is What You Believe And Do Today!

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