Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Menstraution and herbal remedies

Natural sources rich in "iron" include: yellow dock root, burdock root, dandelion root, elderberries, red raspberry leaf, rooibos, and mullein leaf. Green vegetables such as parsley, greens, chives, and spinach are also great sources of iron. Blackstrap molasses (unsulphured) also provides a good amount of iron. Dherbs.com offers you 100% organic iron in our "Iron Phosphate" formula (capsules and liquid) which does not cause constipation like pharmaceutical grade iron pills do! Natural sources of "calcium" include: comfrey root (don't believe the hype about liver toxicity), oatstraw, horsetail, and red raspberry leaf. All green leafy vegetables are good sources of calcium (if you juice or lightly steam them). Dherbs.com offers you 100% organic calcium in our "Calcium Formula".
Herbs to coagulate the blood and stop excessive bleeding include: goldenseal, cranesbill (alum root), dragon's blood, manjistha, musta, shepherd's purse, lady's mantle, yarrow, cayenne, Solomon's seal, barberry, and heal-all herb. Dherbs.com sells a very effective, safe and sane "Styptic Formula" that greatly helps to arrest profuse bleeding.
Herbs to regulate and normalize the menstrual cycle and flow include: maca, black cohosh, blue cohosh, dong quai, mugwort, red raspberry leaf, wild yam root (best and highest source of natural progesterone), squawvine, false unicorn, chaste tree berries, lycii fruit, red clover tops (best and highest source of natural estrogen), licorice root, sarsaparilla, and angelica. Dherbs.com "Moon Cycle" formula (capsules and tea) is very effective in normalizing and regulating the menses. It's the best all-natural formula on the market for all menstrual-related complaints and is far safer than 'Midol', a harmful man-made drug that is very toxic.
Herbs that counteract menstrual cramping and spasms include: beth or birth root, crampbark, fennel seed, anise seed, and wild yam root. Herbs that counteract menstrual related pain and headaches include: white willow bark, black willow bark, feverfew, meadowsweet, birch bark, wood betony, wild lettuce, peppermint, wintergreen, and woodruff. Dherbs.com offers a wonderful oil: "Menstrual Cramp and Abdominal Oil" that can help to alleviate and ultimately eradicate menstrual cramps and spasms.
Herbs that help soothe the nerves during the menstrual cycle include: nerve root or lady's slipper, kava kava, jatamansi, valerian root, lavender flower, passionflower, hops, skullcap, chamomile, and linden flower. Dherbs.com "Nerves Formula" (capsules and tea) is an effective formula that is 100% safe, sane, and effective for all nerve complaints.
Herbs that give energy for fatigue during the menstrual cycle include: ginseng (all species), ashwagandha, schizandra berries, jiwanti, yerba mate, green tea, suma, codonopsis bark, kola or bissey nut, and guarana seed. Dherbs.com "Energizer Formula" (capsules and tea) is an effective formula to increase energy levels naturally.
Herbs for mental stimulation during the menstrual cycle include: gotu kola, gingko biloba, bringraj, ashwagandha, ginseng, holy or blessed thistle, kola or bissey nut, yerba mate, and guarana seed. Dherbs.com "Brain Tuner" formula (capsules and tea) is an effective compound to increase mental stimulation.
Herbs that counteract constipation during the menstrual cycle include: senna leaves and pods, cascara sagrada, buckthorn, aloe vera resin, rhubarb root, jalap root, bibitaki, mandrake, black walnut hulls, poke root, slippery elm bark, Irish moss, guar gum, acacia gum, and psyllium Husks. Dherbs.com "Bowel Mover" (capsules and tea), "Colon Formula", and "Sen-Fen" formula are effective compounds for all colon complaints including constipation.
Herbs that strengthen the uterus during the menstrual cycle include: ashoka, squawvine, false unicorn, pumpkin seed, cocculus root, and saw palmetto. Dherbs.com "Yoni Formula" is an excellent compound that addresses all uterine complaints. We feel all women should take this formula since all women have a uterus. Even if you have had your uterus removed, you should still take this compound because the phantom (ghost) uterus still benefits from it.
Natural remedies to counteract breast soreness and tenderness during the menstrual cycle include: (oils) [internally and externally] evening primrose oil, borage oil, black currant oil; (externally - massaged into breasts) olive oil, coconut oil, shea butter, sweet almond oil, avocado oil, grapefruit seed oil, rose hip seed oil; (essential oils that can be added to breast massage oil) fennel seed oil, clary sage, grapefruit peel oil, and rosemary; (herbs) saw palmetto berries, honeysuckle flower, red raspberry leaf, red clover tops, yew tips, poke root, wild indigo, and red root. Herbs that counteract eclampsia during pregnancy include: white peony bark, deer tongue herb, milk thistle seeds, dandelion root, burdock root, carbon (activated charcoal), uva ursi, grapevine leaf, and Oregon grape.

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