Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Juice recipes



Vegetable Super Juice

1 whole cucumber
4 sticks of celery
2-4 handfuls of spinach
8 lettuce leaves
Optional boosters: parsley and fresh alfalfa sprouts

Healing Juice

3-4 Carrots
125g Fresh Spinach
Handful of Flat Leaf Parsley
2-3 Sticks of Celery

Blood Builder (Iron-enriched)

2 bunches Grapes
6 Oranges
8 Lemons peeled
1/4 cup Honey

Ginger/Lemon Cleanse

1-inch slice Fresh Ginger Root
1 Fresh Lemon
6 Carrots with tops

Stomach Cleanser

1 bunch Grapes
1 basket Strawberries
3 Apples
4 sprigs Fresh Mint

Constipation Cure

1 firm Papaya
1/4-inch slice Ginger Root
1 Pear

Tomato Tonic
3 large, ripe tomatoes
6 leaves leafy lettuce
Cucumber (about a 2-inch piece)
1 garlic clove
Handful of fresh cilantro or parsley
Small wedge of lemon or lime

Grapefruit + Mint Juice
*requires a juicer
  • 2 grapefruits, peeled and sectioned to fit into the juicer
  • 8-10 leaves of fresh mint

Apple Fennel Splash
1/2 fennel bulb
2 apples
1/2 small red cabbage
Small wedge of lemon or lime

 High Blood Pressure Reducer
2 garlic cloves
1 handful parsley
1 cucumber
4 carrots with tops
2 stalks celery

Greens Tonic
3 ribs celery
Big handful of spinach
2 stalks of asparagus
1 large tomato
1 carrot

Greens and Carrots
Big handful of parsley or cilantro
Big handful of spinach
2 ribs celery
3-4 carrots

 Potassium Juice
3 carrots
3 stalks celery
½ bunch spinach
½ bunch parsley

Fresh Strawberry, Apple & Lime Juice
*requires a juicer
  • 2 1/2 cups fresh organic strawberries, remove stems and cut in half
  • 1 organic apple, cored and cut into large pieces
  • 1 organic lime, quartered

Skin Cleanse

1 Cucumber with skin
1/2 bunch Fresh Parsley
1 4-oz. tub Alfalfa Sprouts
4 Sprigs Fresh Mint

Cleansing Veggie Broth
3 carrots
3 kale leaves
2 celery
2 beets
1 turnip
½ bunch spinach
½ head cabbage
¼ bunch parsley
½ onion
2 garlic cloves

If you choose to do a cleanse and have a hard time schedule wise here is a sample schedule 

Your cleanse schedule will be the same for all three days:

 Adjust times to correspond to your waking schedule.

1_ 7:15 am//morning tonic of lemon/ ginger/ cayenne or warm water w/ lemon. Within 1 hour of waking.
2_ 8:15 am//green juice one hour after your morning tonic.
3_ btwn 10- 10:30//mid morning snack of herbal tea/ fruit juice or nut milk (choose one).
4_ NOON//green juice lunch.
5_ btwn 2- 2:45// mid afternoon snack of herbal tea/ fruit juice or nut milk (choose one).
6_ btwn 4:30 - 5:30// green juice dinner. Listen to your body if you need to have your dinner earlier do.
7_ btwn 6:30 - 7:30 pm//  evening snack of herbal tea/ fruit juice or nut milk (choose one) Time depending on how early/ late you had dinner.
8_ about 7:30 - 8:30 pm// herbal tea (optional) If you had earlier dinner you'll have earlier tea.  You may choose to skip tea all together. Stop all drinking 2.5 - 3 hours before bed.


1. Pre-Make your first few juices for day 1.

2. Consider pre-making your morning tonics the night before or make enough for all three days tonight.  The lemon/ginger/cayenne stay really fresh in the fridge.

3. Consider removing temptations from your kitchen or section off an area of the fridge and counter just for your cleanse foods!

4. Practice self care rituals while on the cleanse:
-positive self talk: My body is completely healthy. I accept myself.
-body brushing or oiling the body
-light walks and stretching
-reading, journaling, doodling

5. Know that you can and you will show up for yourself each and everyday.  You'll make your juices and delight in taking time for your body, mind and spirit to cleanse.
Source for schedule and helpful rules

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